På de første ti dagene av den hellige måneden, som startet den 17. mai for de fleste muslimene rundt omkring i verden, så ble minst 525 mennesker enten drept eller skadet av terrorangrep utført av muslimer.
Det gir et gjennomsnitt på 20 drepte og 30 skadde hver dag siden begynnelsen av Ramadan. Minst 52 ulike angrep har funnet sted under muslimenes hellige måned.
Mange jihadister tror at det spesielt heroisk å drepe «vantro» og at Allah belønner «martyrer» under den hellige måneden.

Jihadistgrupper og andre islamister er kjente for å oppfordre sine medlemmer og tilhengere å utføre jihad under Ramadan.
I allmennhet så er Ramadan en måned hvor muslimer avstår fra å spise, drikke, røyke, ha sex eller andre fysiske aktiviteter daglig, som starter fra soloppgang og varer til solnedgang.
Hittil i år har terrorgruppen Taliban i Afghanistan vært den mest dødelige gruppen, etterfulgt av IS, som fremdeles utgjør en trussel etter store tap i Irak og Syria etter at Russland gikk inn på syrisk side i konflikten.
IS var den mest dødelige gruppen i fjor, da man under Ramadan drepte 1.639 mennesker og skadet 1.704 mennesker, som markerte den blodigste hellige muslimske måneden i nyere tid.
Tallene er hentet fra ulike nettsider og nyhetsrapporter som følger islam.
Nettsiden Breitbart har laget følgende oversikt siden Ramadan startet:
May 17 — Farah, Afghanistan — Taliban kills three foreign engineers.
May 17 — Kashmir, India — Terrorists kidnap, slit throat of a 23-year-old man after Indian government declares first Ramadan ceasefire in 18 years.
May 17 — Borno, Nigeria — Suspected Boko Haram jihadists detonated a bomb at camp for people displaced by insurgency, killing four and wounding 15.
May 17 — Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan — Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA) terrorist group claims responsibility for a suicide bombing that kills one and injures 14.
May 17 — North Sinai, Egypt — Sunni hardliners bombed an area, killing one and injuring another.
May 17 — Uruzgan, Afghanistan — Taliban kill two police officers.
May 18 — Raqqa, Syria — Leftover Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) improvised explosive device (IED) kills two civilians.
May 18 — Diyala, Iraq — Suspected ISIS terrorists are behind a bomb blast that kills one and wounds another.
May 18 — Kirkuk, Iraq — Suspected ISIS terrorists kill a member of Kurdish Kakayi minority group with IED.
May 18 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Taliban attacked police security posts, killing five police officers and wounding six others.
May 18 — Ghani, Afghanistan — Taliban attacked remote Ajristan district, killing nine security forces and wounding seven others.
May 18 — Nangarhar, Afghanistan — Suspected Islamic State terrorists attacked “Ramadan Cup” cricket tournament in Jalalabad, the capital of the group’s stronghold, killing eight and wounding 55.
May 18 — Faryab, Afghanistan — Taliban rockets kill four police officers, wound four others in Qaisar district.
May 19 — Chechnya, Russia — Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack at church that kills two police officers and a worshipper and also wounds another police officer.
May 19 — Mogadishu, Somalia — Suspected al-Shabaab jihadists fit explosives on car, killing one local security troop.
May 19 — Nineveh, Iraq — Suspected Islamic State jihadists kill the mayor of Hammam al-Alil region.
May 19 — Ghazni, Afghanistan — Taliban kill 14 security forces, wound ten others.
May 20 — Nineveh, Iraq — ISIS kills two Shiite fighters in Sinjar town.
May 21 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Taliban terrorists kill five workers clearing landmines in Maiwand.
May 21 — Baghdad, Iraq — Terrorist car bomb kills one civilian.
May 21 — Ghazni, Afghanistan — Taliban jihadists kill 14 security forces, wound 12 others in Dih Yak and Jaghatu districts.
May 21 — Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria — Terrorists kill two men inside a mosque, including the muezzin, who calls Muslims to prayer.
May 21 — Paktia, Afghanistan — Taliban kills six police officers, captures five others.
May 21 — Herat, Afghanistan — Taliban kills two policemen, wounds seven others.
May 22 — Mogadishu, Somalia — Islamic kills policeman in Bakara Market.
May 22 — Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso — Suspected terrorists kill one police officer, wound five, including a civilian.
May 22 — Ajdabiya, Libya — ISIS suicide bomber kills two fighters loyal to militia leader Khalifa Haftar, wounds two others
May 22 — Marib, Yemen — Iran-allied Houthis launch missile that kills five civilians, wound 22 others.
May 22 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Minivan stuffed with explosives by suspected Taliban terrorists kills 16, wounds 38, including security forces and civilians.
May 22 — Palmyra, Syria — ISIS kills at least 30 Syrian troops and Iranian-backed militiamen, wounds 14.
May 22 — Kirkuk, Iraq — ISIS executes an elderly man.
May 23 — Diyala, Iraq — ISIS attacked a family house in Jalawla region, killing three, wounding three others.
May 23 — Kashmir, India — Suspected terrorists launch a grenade, injuring ten civilians, including a woman and a 12-year-old boy.
May 23 — Mudug, Somalia — Suspected al-Shabaab jihadi kills lawmaker in Galkayo.
May 23 — Kandahar, Afghanistan — Suspected Taliban terrorists kill kidnapped mine-clearance worker.
May 23 — Baghdad, Iraq — Terrorist blows himself up in a crowded park in Shiite-majority Shoala, killing seven and wounding 16.
May 23 — Uruzgan, Afghanistan — Suspected Taliban terrorists kill eight Afghan security forces in Chora district, including military and police units.
May 23 — Basra, Iraq — Masked terrorists on a motorbike kill three civilians.
May 24 — Benghazi, Libya — Suspected jihadists carry out car bombing behind city’s largest hotel, killing seven, including a girl, and wounding 20.
May 24 — Diyala, Iraq — ISIS kills two civilians in Jalawla region.
May 24 — Kirkuk, Iraq — Suspected terrorist mortar shell landed on a home, killing a 53-year-old woman.
May 24 — Balochistan, Pakistan — Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LEJ) terrorists kill one, injure another with a landmine in Kalat district.
May 24 — Maidan Wardak, Afghanistan — Suspected Taliban roadside bomb rips through a vehicle, killing four civilians, injuring two others.
May 25 — KP, Pakistan — Terrorists in Dera Ismail Khan region kill a police officer, wound another.
May 25 — Kashmir, India — Suspected Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorist slits throat of a 36-year-old man in Bandipora district.
May 25 — Kirkuk, Iraq — ISIS kills three policemen, wounds three others near Gharib village.
May 25 —Narathiwat, Thailand — Gunmen in country’s Muslim-majority region kill two civilians at a tea shop in Ra-ngae district.
May 26 — Idlib, Syria — Terrorists kill five and wound 43.
May 27 — Helmand, Afghanistan — Taliban terrorists carry out Vehicle-borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) near a military base in Nadali district, killing two local soldiers, wounding four.
May 27 — Kashmir, India — Terrorists kill a soldier and a civilian in Pulwama amid ceasefire.