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Canada: «Transkvinne» prøvde å saksøke 13 salonger som nektet å vokse ballene hans

SKJØNNHET: Den canadiske «transkvinnen» Jessica Yaniv (32) prøvde å saksøke 13 skjønnhetssalonger, fordi de ikke ville vokse pikken og ballene hans. FOTO: Privat.

«Transkvinne» prøvde å saksøke 13 skjønnhetssalonger for angivelig diskriminering. Tribunalet for menneskerettigheter i British Columbia har forkastet kravene.

Ifølge den britiske avisen Metro prøvde den canadiske «transkvinnen» Jessica Yaniv (32) å saksøke 13 skjønnhetssalonger, fordi de ikke ville gi testiklene hans en såkalt brazilian wax.

Brazilian wax er en metode for hårfjerning, hvor flytende voks brukes til å rive av hårvekst i intimområdene.

Skjønnhetssalongene ville heller ikke stusse kjønnshårene hans, fordi de ikke hadde trening i voksing av mannlige genitialia. Dette mente han var diskriminering.

Kravet var opprinnelig på 15.000 canadiske dollar fra hver av salongene.

Avisen Metro skriver:

A transgender woman tried and failed to sue beauticians who refused to give her testicles a Brazilian.

Jessica Yaniv, 32, accused 13 waxing salons of discrimination last year because they wouldn’t trim her pubic hair and leave her with a neat line.

She identifies as a woman but still has a penis and testicles, body parts the businesses said they did not offer services for.

The waxers said they were either untrained in the art of scrotum shaving or that they should not be forced to touch male genitals if they did not want to.

Vitnet fredag

Ifølge den canadiske TV-kanalen CBC News, avla den canadiske transvestitten vitneforklaring for domstolen i British Columbia nå fredag.

CBC News skriver:

A transgender woman testified before the B.C. Human Rights tribunal Friday complaining that she was refused Brazilian waxes at more than a dozen beauty salons because she is transgender.

Jessica Yaniv says she’s been repeatedly refused waxing services since 2018. For the past several months, the tribunal has been conducting hearings into the complaints against each of the waxing salons and independent estheticians.

«None of these providers had any issue with anything until I mentioned I was transgender. Why was it not brought up saying, ‘Hey we don’t do services on male genitalia’?»

Yaniv, who identifies as female but has male genitalia, contacted the businesses through Facebook messages requesting to book an appointment for waxing services including a Brazilian wax which removes most or all pubic hair.

Saken er søndag også omtalt av australske medier. Blant andre TV-kanalen Sky News Australia.

Ville utnytte for personlig vinning

Avisen Vancouver Sun skriver at domstolen avviste kravene til Jessica Yaniv, fordi det var åpenbart at hun ville utnytte et søksmål mot små bedrifter for personlig vinning.

Ifølge avisen må Jessica Yaniv også betale $ 2.000 i erstatning til hver av de saksøkte bedriftene. På grunn av upassende oppførsel.

Vancouver Sun skriver:

A transgender B.C. woman who filed complaints against several estheticians who refused to provide intimate waxing services has had her complaints dismissed.

Jessica Yaniv is also ordered to pay $2,000 each to three of the respondents for her improper conduct, according to the decision released Tuesday and authored by Human Rights Tribunal member Devyn Cousineau.

The original complaints were filed after Yaniv sought genital waxing services from several service providers in the Vancouver area through Facebook Marketplace and was refused after she made it known she has a penis and scrotum. Many of the providers operated out of their homes or were women whose first language wasn’t English.

In the decision, Cousineau noted that Yaniv’s testimony was found to be “disingenuous and self-serving” and that “in cross-examination she was evasive and argumentative, and contradicted herself.”

Videre skriver avisen Vancouver Sun:

Cousineau then dismissed all of Yaniv’s complaints, going so far as to say Yaniv’s repeated complaints, some of which resulted from her use of deception, were not filed to “prevent or remedy alleged discrimination, but to target small businesses for personal financial gain.”

Saken er også omtalt av BlazeTV.
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